Click Stats

Reading click stats for individual URL:
GET /stats/[hash]

Example response: { "error": { "code": 0, "message": "" }, "stats": [ { "hash": "e", "total_clicks": 22, "unique_clicks": 1, "daily_clicks": { "2023-04-20": { "total": 1, "unique": 1 } } } ] } Note that "daily_clicks" response property only available on certain instances!

Reset stats for individual URL:
DELETE /stats/[hash]

Input params: hash - tiny hash associated with URL.

It is also possible to pass a group of hashes in query parameter "hashes", separated with comma.

For example, lets pass a group of three hashes (a,b,c):
DELETE /stats?hashes=a%2Cb%2Cc

Example response: { "error": { "code": 0, "message": "" } } HTTP status code - 200 OK