How to use Smart links

Smart links are short links that have custom redirect rules. One short link can point to different destinations, depending on parameters you set and responsive depending on who is clicking. Rule parameters include: operating system, browser, language, location, date window, time window, total clicks, unique visits and more! And you can update any destination URL at any time.

Device Example

starting with a baseline link to iPhone landing page. Under routing criterion pick platform > Android > click on "" and enter the long URL to your Android landing page, then "Add rule." All visitors (including iOS) are then routed to iPhone baseline destination. Android visitors are routed to Android destination.

Country-Browser Example

Root entry:
USA users redirected to
India users redirected to
China users redirected to
/usa_node may have it's own routing (configured separately):
Windows users redirected to
Mac users redirected to

Having trouble deciphering the 2-letter geocodes found in routing filter setup? Try this geocode decode.